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Physical therapy is a branch of rehabilitative medicine which focuses on the restoration of efficient, purposeful movements secondary to injury, degeneration/arthritis, surgical interventions, or dizziness/disequilibrium. An extensive evaluation process precedes treatment and involves the identification of patient limitations and establishes an individualized plan of action incorporating specific goals relative to those limitations identified. These goals are specific to the individual and are different for everyone. For example, one person may be seeking to be able to regain their balance while another wants to return to high level competitive sports.
Physical therapy is a branch of rehabilitative medicine which focuses on the restoration of efficient, purposeful movements secondary to injury, degeneration/arthritis, surgical interventions, or dizziness/disequilibrium. An extensive evaluation process precedes treatment and involves the identification of patient limitations and establishes an individualized plan of action incorporating specific goals relative to those limitations identified. These goals are specific to the individual and are different for everyone. For example, one person may be seeking to be able to regain their balance while another wants to return to high level competitive sports.
Conde Center in Delray Beach is proud to boast state-of-the-art equipment, a world-class team, and Doctor of Physical Therapy keenly versed in orthopedic and neurological conditions. These attributes along with a meticulous attention to detail significantly improve patient outcomes. Therefore, if you have tried physical therapy in the past and it was unsuccessful, give Conde Center a try. Do not let pain and dysfunction limit your lifestyle.
WBVT stimulates sensors found in the musculoskeletal system called muscle spindles that increase muscle tone in the spine and the extremities at a much faster rate than traditional exercise and enhances the brain-body connection. Thus time-to-strengthen is significantly reduced.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment that involves the delivery of shock waves to injured soft tissue to reduce pain, restructure musculotendinous scar tissue, and promote healing.
WBVT stimulates sensors found in the musculoskeletal system called muscle spindles that increase muscle tone in the spine and the extremities at a much faster rate than traditional exercise and enhances the brain-body connection. Thus time-to-strengthen is significantly reduced.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical treatment that involves the delivery of shock waves to injured soft tissue to reduce pain, restructure musculotendinous scar tissue, and promote healing.